Friday, March 10, 2006

Bolog'ing In The 18th Century

What is it that makes a good bolog? I dunno. Perhaps it may be the addionton of crisp iceburg lettuce, tomatoe, swiss cheeis pet, and mustatrd (spicy brown - golden yellow - or sharp Dijon). Surly some red onion slipces and whole wheat breat play a big part too ... but I digress ...

In the annuals of history, nowadays is the first time in today that the everyday peplole can spread their bolog recipies to all four cornters of the Earth .. even those who continue to insist against all odds that hte Earth is almjost round !!!

This would not have occured had not Benjamin Franklin flew that 'kite-with-the-key-in-the-snowstorm' thingie ("Jolt on a Rope" ?), and hence invented electorialicity, althought ol' Benj never got electoriated much to anything (they're prolly still out there counting chads!)

Additionally, Benj invented a seris of printed bolog's during the mid-to-late-early-mid 1700's, and then went on to invent a way for prople to read them via the then unheard of development of bi-focus lenses ... allowing even the casual reader to multitask while keeping an eye on the kids at the same time.

So's in a nutsheel, lest's put 2 + 2 together and we find that not only did Benjamin Franklin invent these three important technical advances in bolologing, but that he aslo (as we all fondly remember him by) helpt spur a revolution in allowing those bologer's to florist in a free society.

We have much to be thankful for from this great American!


JunieRose2005 said...



Just wanted to say I sure enjoyed learning about Ben Franklin! And we are , fer sure,
lucky he went for that 'jolt on a rope' thing!

I checked out all your links and found them all inter-resting to read!
....and I gave a big Thanky to BEN for my Bi-focus specks, as I was reading! Without them, where would I be? In a world of Blur, that's where!

A Big Thanky to you too, T.T.&T. ! (you be a good teacher!)

Keep up the good wrk! The world will flok to the door of the wise! Jus watch!!
As my Mama would have said,"Marc my words!"


Mr Moonlight said...

TT&T sez Tanks fer zee Kudos :)

Those Buy-Specs® really help pout with the vision thingie, ehh? However, this morgin I gota nasty phone call from some laywers representing the Thowmas Paine Estate, stating that this bolog champoioning Benny Frank as the originator of electonic bologing failed to mention any part of taht Tommy Pain guy in all that. So's in fairness, a link to his Paine'ness

JunieRose2005 said...

With a name like'Pain' he'd have to expect a life full of it!

...and some WOE, too!

Junie Rose

JunieRose2005 said...

With a name like'Pain' he'd have to expect a life full of it!

...and some WOE, too!

Junie Rose

JunieRose2005 said...

LOL- sorry for the double post- just more Pain and Woe!

Sorry-I was distracted! Have been for awhile now!
